Free AI Name and Domain Generator

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(Will appear public. Please be descriptive. One phrase per line. See examples. Must be .txt only)

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Make sure to enter a term above. You can optionally control the list position see Line # above. Some wordlists lists have come from Credit is due to the creators.

AI-Assisted Domain Discovery

With the help of AI technologies like a 600 Billion word model from Meta, OpenAI, and NLP, our domain name generation software can analyze current trends and relevant keywords to suggest dynamic and memorable domain names.

Comprehensive Search Results

Our system scans every registered domain - over 165 million of them - on a daily basis, processing up to 30 GB of data. Each search checks the availability of around 5,000 domains in just seconds!

Easy to Use

Simply input a keyword or phrase to begin your search for the ideal domain name. Power up your search by taking advantage of our advanced features, which include a Thesaurus and Dictionary word lists with every known English word.

Real-time Availability

Discover the perfect domain name with ease and register it instantly - any available domains in our search results are ready for registration! Plus, take advantage of our free availability API to build domain search into your own applications.

You are in control of your domain search

For those looking to take full control of their domain search, our Advanced Mode is a must-try. This mode allows you to test every combination of a domain using our dictionary lists and built-in List Builder with a Thesaurus, giving you endless options for finding the perfect domain name.

Easy to Use & Customize Your Search

In addition to .com, you can search .net, .org and more will be added soon. We built the system to support all tlds. You can also select prefix or suffix. Open Advanced Mode for more options like the ability to combine a domain with a certain part of a list.

UI Domains FAQ

We download and store all .com's available nightly by comparing the current day to prior day. It's hundreds of millions of .com domain names. Since they are in a database, we can check if they are available very quickly. Occasionally a domain that is available may not be completely available yet. This is due to it being a deleted, expired, or client hold domain. Sometimes domain registers may hold on to a domain for a bit if a customer fails to pay the registration fee. This is why we double check if a domain is available.

As highlighted above, UI Domains keeps a copy of all domains available. It then goes through a variety of processing. We find the trending words in all domains and save those. Take a look at the Trending Terms to see them. We then combine the search term with those trending terms but also many common domain terms. The idea there is that domains are popular based on trends and we can identify them. It also means that results are changing daily so check back often to see updates. When one types in a term the system, it will attempt to match like words with the term. We try to show the most relevant ones first. That is why it is important to use a short english word so the system can attempt to match names to it. It's also always beneficial to have a short memorable name.

It's important to use a short memorable search term as a base. Domains with a .com extension are highly competitive. UI Domains trys many different combinations to try to find the best ones available. There are professionals that register domains and attempt to resell them for higher profits which leads to many that are taken. If UI Domains detects higher competition, it will significantly expand the search with combinations in order to find the best result.

Yes, UI domains is completely free. We do have some sponsored partners if one clicks the domain name register link.